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How Long is an Eye Prescription Good For?

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Having an eye prescription is a common occurrence for many people. Whether you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, getting your eyes checked and receiving an updated prescription is crucial for maintaining good eye health whether it’s contacts or glasses you end up wearing.

An eye prescription is typically valid for 1-2 years, depending on the state or country you live in. This validity period is determined by different factors such as your age, the type of prescription you have, whether you wear contacts or glasses, and any changes in your eye health.

In Washington State, for example, the law states that a doctor’s prescription is valid for 2 years unless there are valid medical reasons that necessitate more frequent visits.

However, it is essential to note that even though your eye prescription may be valid for 1 or 2 years, it is still important to get regular eye exams. These exams not only ensure that your prescription is up-to-date but also check for any potential issues with your overall eye health.

Factors Affecting Prescription Validity

Here are some of the factors that can affect how long your eye prescription is valid for:


As we age, our eyes undergo natural changes that can affect our vision. For example, our lenses become less flexible and lose their ability to focus on close objects as easily. This is why many people require reading glasses as they get older.

Due to these changes, it is recommended for adults over 40 to get an eye exam at least every 2 years. However, this may vary for individuals with certain eye conditions or health issues, so it is always best to consult with your eye doctor.

Type of Prescription

The type of vision problem you have can also affect the validity of your prescription. For example, individuals with nearsightedness (myopia) may experience changes in their prescription more frequently compared to those with farsightedness (hyperopia).

Nearsighted individuals may need a stronger prescription as their eyes continue to grow especially in children, while farsighted individuals may see little change in their prescription over time.

Astigmatism, which is a common condition where the cornea has an irregular shape, can also impact the validity of an eye prescription. As astigmatism can worsen over time, regular check-ups are important to ensure that your prescription is still accurate.

Health Conditions

Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can also affect the validity of an eye prescription. These conditions can cause changes in the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to vision changes. It is important for individuals with these conditions to have regular eye exams to monitor any potential changes in their vision and update their prescriptions accordingly.

Lifestyle Factors

Your lifestyle choices can also impact how long your eye prescription is valid for. For example, individuals who spend a lot of time on digital devices may experience more strain on their eyes, causing them to need a new prescription sooner. Similarly, smoking and poor nutrition can also affect the health of your eyes and result in changes in vision that may require a new prescription.

Injuries or Surgeries

Injuries to the eye or surgeries, such as cataract surgery, can also affect the validity of your prescription. These procedures can alter the shape and function of the eye, leading to changes in vision that may require a new prescription. Inform your eye doctor about any injuries or surgeries you have had so they can take this into consideration when evaluating your prescription.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Optometrist adjusting a phoropter during an eye exam for a male patient.

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining good eye health and ensuring the validity of your prescription. Eye exams not only assess the sharpness of your vision, but they also check for any potential eye diseases or conditions that may be affecting your sight.

Early detection and treatment of these issues can help prevent them from worsening and potentially impacting the validity of your prescription. Regular eye exams also allow your optometrist to monitor any changes in your eyes over time and make adjustments to your prescription as needed.

It is recommended to have an eye exam every 1-2 years, or more frequently if you have a pre-existing eye condition or risk factors for certain eye diseases.

Discover Comprehensive Eye Care & Quality Eyewear at Precision Eye Care

There are various factors that can affect the validity of an eye prescription. It is important to have regular check-ups with your eye doctor to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date and accurately reflects any changes in your vision. Remember to also take care of your overall health and lifestyle habits, as they can play a significant role in maintaining good eye health. 

At Precision Eye Care, our experienced optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams to assess your vision and overall eye health. We also offer a wide range of eyewear options, including prescription glasses and contact lenses, to help you see clearly and comfortably. Don’t wait until you experience changes in your vision – schedule an eye exam today to maintain clear and healthy eyesight.

Written by Dr. Judy Chan

Dr. Chan received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California San Diego in 1986 and her Doctor of Optometry degree in 1990 from Pacific University College of Optometry. To broaden her skills, she also completed a year of residency training, specializing in geriatrics and ocular diseases at the Veterans Hospital in Portland. After practicing in the Portland/Vancouver area for nearly 7 years, Dr. Chan purchased her first clinic in Battle Ground, Washington. She found private practice very fulfilling and promptly acquired her second office in 1999.

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