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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Smiling young woman undergoing an eye exam.

When most people think of eye exams, they often associate them with checking vision and updating prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses. However, comprehensive eye exams can reveal much more than just your visual acuity. They can also detect a variety of serious health conditions. Regular eye exams are important not only for maintaining good […]

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Are Polarized Sunglasses Better for Your Eyes?

A person holds a pair of sunglasses up to the camera as they look out over a bay in a tropical island. The image through the glasses is clearly tinted, showing that the lenses are polarized.

With summer in full swing, many of us spend more time outside. Naturally, we turn to our favorite sunglasses to help protect our eyes from the sun, and polarized sunglasses have been gaining popularity. Polarized sunglasses are not necessarily better or worse for your eyes from a health standpoint, but because they reduce glare, they […]

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What is Morpheus8?

A woman receives radiofrequency treatment from her optometrist using a handheld device

In a world where the quest for wellness overlaps with the pursuit of beauty, innovative treatments are constantly revolutionizing the way we approach personal care. One such exciting treatment is InMode’s Morpheus8, offering a marriage of technology and skincare that presents a new solution for individuals seeking not only aesthetic enhancement but also functional relief […]

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How to Stimulate Collagen Production

A smiling woman with glowing skin poses in front of a pink background with her hands framing her face.

You can work toward this at home by following a balanced diet, living a healthy lifestyle, taking supplements where necessary, and practicing a proper skincare routine. 

But sometimes you may want additional help: you can visit an experienced team of professionals to discuss collagen-stimulating treatments like microneedling and radiofrequency. […]

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Should I Wear Sunglasses in the Winter?

A woman sitting outside at a table and drinking a cup of coffee. She is wearing a winter jacket, hat, and sunglasses

Most of us instinctively wear sunglasses outside in the sun because they provide comfort. But there are some convincing reasons to wear sunglasses beyond simply providing comfort. And it’s important to note that you should wear sunglasses outside in the winter too, not just the sunny summer. The sun may not get as high and […]

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