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Category: Eye Diseases

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How Fast Does Macular Degeneration Progress?

An optometrist uses a magnifying glass to focus on an anatomical eye's blood vessels.

Several factors can pose a threat to the quality of our vision and overall ocular health. An injury from a foreign object, not wearing corrective lenses or misusing contact lenses can have lasting impacts on our vision, and so too can eye diseases. Macular degeneration is a progressive eye disease that, over time, damages the […]

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What Diseases Can Be Detected in an Eye Exam?

Smiling young woman undergoing an eye exam.

When most people think of eye exams, they often associate them with checking vision and updating prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses. However, comprehensive eye exams can reveal much more than just your visual acuity. They can also detect a variety of serious health conditions. Regular eye exams are important not only for maintaining good […]

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