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Category: Eye Care

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How Fast Does Macular Degeneration Progress?

An optometrist uses a magnifying glass to focus on an anatomical eye's blood vessels.

Several factors can pose a threat to the quality of our vision and overall ocular health. An injury from a foreign object, not wearing corrective lenses or misusing contact lenses can have lasting impacts on our vision, and so too can eye diseases. Macular degeneration is a progressive eye disease that, over time, damages the […]

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Are Polarized Sunglasses Better for Your Eyes?

A person holds a pair of sunglasses up to the camera as they look out over a bay in a tropical island. The image through the glasses is clearly tinted, showing that the lenses are polarized.

With summer in full swing, many of us spend more time outside. Naturally, we turn to our favorite sunglasses to help protect our eyes from the sun, and polarized sunglasses have been gaining popularity. Polarized sunglasses are not necessarily better or worse for your eyes from a health standpoint, but because they reduce glare, they […]

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How Long Do Contact Lenses Last?

A woman holding a contact lens case in her left hand, and a contact lens is sitting on her right index finger

More than 45 million Americans wear contact lenses to correct their vision. They can help you see just as clearly as your glasses when they don’t fit your mood or activity.  Before choosing contact lenses, it’s essential to learn their care instructions and the rules of proper wear. Depending on the lenses, your contacts can […]

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