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Category: Dry Eye

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How Long Does Dry Eye Last?

An adult removes their glasses and pinches the bridge of their nose in discomfort.

Dry eye can last for a few days to a lifetime, depending on the underlying cause and severity. Temporary dry eye often resolves with rest or basic treatments, but chronic dry eye may persist and require ongoing management.  Understanding what’s causing your discomfort is key to finding lasting relief. Whether you’re dealing with a fleeting […]

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What is Morpheus8?

A woman receives radiofrequency treatment from her optometrist using a handheld device

In a world where the quest for wellness overlaps with the pursuit of beauty, innovative treatments are constantly revolutionizing the way we approach personal care. One such exciting treatment is InMode’s Morpheus8, offering a marriage of technology and skincare that presents a new solution for individuals seeking not only aesthetic enhancement but also functional relief […]

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